Wednesday 24 August 2022

Read for Pixels, a Reddit AMA and an interview for ProWritingAid.

 A few things to mention for the coming week or so:

The Pixel Project is - quoting from their website - "... a complete virtual, volunteer-led global 501(c)3 nonprofit organisation whose mission is to raise awareness, funds and volunteer power for the cause to end violence against women through campaigns, initiatives, projects, and programmes at the intersection of social media, new technologies, and popular culture/the Arts."

One of the activities of the project is the Read For Pixels campaign, a series of Youtube sessions with authors who support the initiative. This year I am one of those authors, along with Alan Baxter, Bracken MacLeod, Carol Goodman, Daniel H. Wilson, Jenn Lyons, Kathryn Purdie, Namina Forna, Nghi Vo, Rin Chupeco, Romina Garber, and Tim Lebbon. 

Again quoting from the website: "each livestream YouTube session will feature one author reading from one of their books and discussing women and girls in their books, why they support ending violence against women, and women in the media, geek culture, and popular culture. Each session will also include a live moderated Q&A segment for fans and book lovers. The sessions will take place on weekends throughout September 2022."

I'm doing my session on Sunday September 4th at 3.30pm UK time. Here's a link which will become active when the event goes live:

For much more information, hop on over to the Pixel Project website:

In association with that, I'm also doing a Reddit AMA over on r/Fantasy on August 31st. It's already listed in the sidebar over that Reddit page. Because of the inevitable time difference, Ill be doing the AMA over 24 hours so there will be ample time to get questions in and stand a good chance of an answer. It's over on r/Fantasy because that's the established venue for these events.

Unrelated to the above, I'm doing an online interview for ProWrtingAid as part of their Science Fiction Writers' Week. Many other writers are also involved. My slot is on Monday August 29th at 10.00 AM EDT/3.00PM UK. You do have to register.


  1. Thank you for letting us know for the AMA. Never subbed to Fantasy as I read mainly SciFi so I would have missed it. I got a question about why your recent books aren't translated in French, I'll post it there unless you want to answer me right now :) Thanks a lot!

  2. I don't sell books in huge numbers in France, unfortunately, so the economics of translation make it difficult for publishers. However, the good news (for me, and I hope my readers!) is that I'll be published by another company beginning with "Eversion", and if all goes well there'll be more translated titles to follow. I won't say more just now as I don't want to pre-empt anything, but it's a good new start for me.

    1. Thank you very much for your fast reply. I really love your style and I can actually read English novels (I currently read Beyond the Aquila Rift collection) but it's still more difficult for me. House of Suns is often suggested on Reddit and there's no Revelation Space novels translated after Absolution Gap so I cross my fingers. Thank you for all the good stories and ideas, you spark my imagination.

  3. No, just an old-fashioned MS Word guy.

  4. (and if I remember from one of the videos, it was a pretty old fashioned version of Word (though it's mostly the same since 2007 anyway))

  5. Yes, ancient - but mostly because that's what will run on a 2001 Dell PC, which is my office computer. It's never been connected to the internet and still runs reliably, although of course it struggles with more recent file formats such as .docx and some PDFs. All that means is that I have do a bit of conversion on the more up-to-date machines elsewhere in the house.

    I know some people think it's a kind of joke that I write all this stuff on such an old computer, but I'm starting to feel that I might have the last laugh. After all, the one thing no one can accuse me of is being on the consumerist treadmill, constantly chasing the latest, most powerful release. And there's something very satisfying about using the same tool to write my new books as I used for Absolution Gap, Century Rain and so on. All those files are still on my hard drive, a click away. It will fail eventually , I expect, but I wouldn't be surprised if it soldiers on for a few more years.

  6. Actually, that's smart. Without a networked machine in your office, you're not getting distracted by social media, doomscrolling news or jumping down Wikipedia rabbit holes when you just meant to take 30 seconds to check a fact. The web is such a productivity killer.

  7. That's pretty much the idea. Other than listening to music, picking up a guitar, reading liner notes, and flicking through old short story anthologies, there's not much for me to do in my writing den besides writing.
