Tuesday 25 November 2014

Edits in

Just a minor update to say that I completed the first substantial round of editorial revisions on the new book, which now has a title that editor, publisher, marketing and author are all now happy with - but I'll wait until there's some sort of formal announcement before unleashing it on the world. There are still a few hurdles to be jumped before the book goes into production, but in the meantime I am now moving forward with the next big project, while also finding time for a bit of short fiction.

While I'm here, I may as well mention that I contributed a chapter to the British Film Institute's beautiful new softcover book on SF cinema, "Days of Fear and Wonder". My chapter looks at the spaceship film, and concludes by taking a risky guess at the likely impact of Nolan's Interstellar - which I've still yet to see.

The BFI book is available here:


The good people at the BFI were mortified to discover that I'd been listed as Alastair Roberts on the title page (although correctly in the heading to the chapter itself) but personally I think the ultimate convergence of those two ARs of contemporary British SF, Adam Reynolds and Alastair Roberts, can only be for the best.

Coming soon: a tour of my office. Contain yourselves.