Monday 11 November 2019

Science Cafe - BBC Radio Wales

Here's a link to a radio discussion I took part in a month or so ago, but which has only now gone live. It was very enjoyable, and I hope you agree that the conversation got into some interesting depth about science fiction and genre boundaries, given the time available. Listen to the piece to find out about our choices for personal favorite SF films - one each from the 50s, 80s and 90s.

"From urban dystopias to alien invasions, Adam Walton talks science fiction cinema with Dr Amanda Rees, whose research includes the history of science and history of the future, Dr Edward Gomez, an astronomer and honorary lecturer at Cardiff University and well-known science fiction author, Alastair Reynolds."


  1. Cool interview! The Day the Earth Stood Still is an excellent pick.

    Schismatrix seems like a fascinating book. I've ordered a copy, and I'm looking forward to reading it at some point in the next couple weeks.

  2. Seems like the audio has been removed - is it available anywhere else?

  3. Hi David - I think the recording was only due to stay up for a short while, so its probably gone for now. I'm not sure of the BBC's policy with regard to archiving radio material.
